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Retirement planning

Planning for retirement is one of life’s most important financial considerations. The actions you take today will determine your lifestyle in the future.

For most people retirement is a time to enjoy the things they love most. However, planning well for retirement requires you to make a number of decisions well ahead of time, for eg

  • When will I retire?
  • How much money will I need?
  • Will I be able to afford the lifestyle I lead now?
  • Where can I get help if I need it?

Planning for your retirement can begin at any age. In general, the sooner you start planning, the better. Some people choose to continue to work into their retirement.
Work can be paid or voluntary and keeps you connected with the community by sharing your skills. Others choose to enhance their skills by undertaking study, sometimes for the first time. It is important to plan ahead to fund the lifestyle that you wish to have when you retire.

Experience has shown that early planning will allow you to make the most of your hard earned money. As professional advisers we can show you how to optimise your retirement income whilst carefully assessing current tax legislation and possible Social Security entitlements.

Our retirement services include:

  • Special disability trusts
  • Veterans services
  • General services and programs
  • More services and programs for retirement
  • Concession and health care cards
  • Age pension claim forms and information
  • Income and assets form
  • More claim forms to help you in retirement


Superannuation is one of the most tax-effective long-term retirement savings vehicles, however it can be difficult to keep up with changing rules and regulations. We can explain the rules and provide you with strategies to help you optimise your retirement savings.

Keeping all of your superannuation benefits in one place makes sense. By transferring your other superannuation fund accounts into one fund you’ll be able to grow your retirement savings more efficiently as you would be paying less administration fees.

We make it easier to keep track of your superannuation investment by combining all your superannuation accounts. Having all your superannuation in one account reduces your paperwork and makes it easier to keep track of where your superannuation is invested and how it’s performing.